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PostScope PDF Dispatch Engine

PDF documents from all PC programs and create personalized direct mail to them.


"PDF documents from all PC programs and create a personalized direct mail to them."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Today in the era of Internet, documents, much more comfortable and economical e-mail or by fax can be sent.
Worldwide, Portable Document Format (PDF) as unchallengedly.
Now, for some reason to PostScope PDF Dispatch Engine, PDF Converter software called an arbitrary return type of documents, namely,
- MS Office types like *. doc, *. ppt, *. xls
*. htm und *. html - such as Web pages
- Image file types such as *. tif, *. bmp, *. jpg
- Etc, etc ...
PDF into.
For this purpose, all requested documents are open, you need to do (eg MS Word *. doc) PC-related application in this case, MS Word (), and the official printer "PostScope print PDF Dispatch Engine - PostScope such as the so-called Virtual Printer Driver. A
This means: When printing PostScope any arbitrary document, not out of paper sheets must be printed, but will go to a PDF file, or PostScript respectively, which can save hard disk and file / or address directly to the e-mail, send a message. PDF Dispatch Engine 1.0 download free PostScope can now.

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